Marche Region - Civil Protection Service
Versione italiana  
Regional Meteorological-Hydrological Information System


Type in username and password to login.


This web-application is reserved to Registered Users only.
Please note that the system time is set to local solar time (GMT+1).
Further details can be found here and on the user guide.

The data present in the System can undergo variations during revision and validation processes. Most elaborations related to temperature, rainfall and hydrometric level data published by Marche Region on the Annual Hydrological Reports part I and II can be downloaded from the System.

Cassa Integrazione Guadagni page: monthly precipitation and temperature data (in Italian).

Users: 6901 (339 online) - Downloaded data: 1645800957 - Queries: 47176620

Soil moisture sensors were funded under the ITALY CROATIA CROSS-BORDER COOPERATION PROGRAMME by STREAM project.
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Marche Region - Civil Protection

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Marche Region - Civil Protection Service - 2024